Websites are now a necessary part of doing business. They are an important way to reach new customers and promote your product or service. However, many websites are not accessible to the blind. This can be a problem for the blind community, so it is important to make your website accessible to them by using services such as accessiBe.
What Is Website Accessibility?
A website is accessible when the blind can use it without much difficulty. The convenience of a website should outweigh the inconvenience of not accessing it at all. Websites are done using text and graphics, but if someone cannot see these, they will not gain any information from the web page. Blind users need to have the ability to learn what they can from a web page’s layout and content.
Why is it Important to Make Your Website Accessible to the Blind?
If your website is not accessible to the blind, it will lose potential customers. Blind people are part of the population, and they need to use websites like everyone else. The more you can make your site accessible, the better for your company’s business practices.
How Can You Make Your Website Accessible to the Blind?
There are a few different services that you can use to make your site accessible:
- Screen Reader: A screen reader is a special software that will read text and input from web pages.
- Braille Display: This device will allow blind people to access your website like a screen reader. Their mouse version will read content on a web page and use a device that allows them to input different commands.
- Large Fonts: This service will allow people using a screen reader or braille display to have text on your site increased in size for easier viewing.
- High Contrast: This service will change the color of your site so that it is easier to read.
How Much Does it Cost to Make Your Website Accessible?
Many services can be used to make your website better for the blind community that cost very little. For example, you can easily increase text size on your site with a few clicks of the mouse. There are also browser extensions that work as screen readers at no additional cost. These services can be upgraded to offer more features for a small fee, but the basic version is free.
What Does it Mean to be ADA Compliant?
Not all websites are ADA compliant, but if you want to make your site accessible to the blind, it can be important. The Americans with Disabilities Act states that web pages need to have certain content available for everyone. If your website is not compliant, there may be lawsuits against you by the Department of Justice.
Making your website accessible to the blind is important because it allows them to have the same access to information as everyone else. There are many ways to make your website accessible, and it is important to be ADA compliant.