If you have already purchased your motorcycle, then you have probably gone through all of the lectures from your families and friends about how dangerous motorcycles are and how you need to take the necessary precautions to keep yourself safe. The former about motorcycles is completely untrue and as long as you are a responsible motorcycle rider and you obey the rules of the road, there is no reason why you would be involved in any kind of motorcycle accident. With regard to the latter, your friends and family are correct and you should always try to take steps to protect yourself at all times. It makes sense no matter what kind of vehicle that you’re driving and while cars have many safety features, it is generally left up to you to protect yourself when you’re riding your motorcycle.
Many people don’t like to wear helmets and safety gear when they are riding motorcycles that just look amazing. The Super Soco TC- Café is one such motorcycle and many people resent having to wear anything that takes away the whole look and feel of the riding experience. However, this is the wrong attitude to have and it is important that you are wearing the right kind of safety gear to keep you and your passenger safe. There is lots of safety gear out there that is designed to keep you safe and we will explore some of them here today.
* Built-in airbags – We all know and understand the importance of having airbags in cars, but trying to fit them to motorcycles would be totally impractical. However, there is a way that you can protect yourself and take advantage of the airbag technology and that is to buy clothing that has built-in airbags sold into the garment. You will find this technology in motorcycle jackets and they are aside to cushion you in the event that you take a school of your motorcycle. It helps to stop you from experiencing painful road rash as well as looking good to wear.
* Ventilated clothing – It is important that you stay in both cool and dry while riding your motorcycle and so there is clothing designed to provide you with this protection. In Australia especially, we are blessed with many hot and sunny days and so it makes sense to work clothing that can breathe. By wearing ventilated clothing, the air is allowed to circulate around inside the jacket and trousers, but surprisingly they also keep out the rain and moisture as well.
If you are thinking about buying a new motorcycle or upgrading your current one, you need to remember that wearing the right kind of motorcycle clothing will complement the total look of the motorcycle itself. Not only will you look good, but you will also be protecting yourself as well.